Stephanie Shipper is recognized internationally as a highly effective trainer, coach and mentor committed to the ethical use of NLP assessment, modeling and coaching techniques for improving individual and organizational outcomes. For over 25 years, she has successfully trained teams and individuals in negotiation, diplomacy and how to avoid and resolve conflict situations. In addition to professional in other fields, she has successfully worked with scientists, physicians, and other medical professionals and researchers, whether working in their fields of expertise or managing others.
Revolutionary Beginnings: Experiencing change, creating change, and putting change into context is a natural outgrowth of Stephanie’s early life. Growing up in the 1950’s in the still-segregated town of Florence, Alabama, her parents owned and operated the largest weekly newspaper in Alabama.
Both parents were avid Civil Rights activists and heavily involved in New South politics. Stephanie’s mother was President of the Alabama Women’s Press Association, and close friend’s with her former college roommate Harper Lee, of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The dinner table was a lively ongoing forum where southern writer’s and rising politicians met over fried chicken and scotch to debate the state of the world. Children were expected to join in and participate. Whether through their newspaper or their activism, the family took on the daunting task of taking on humanitarian issues for the sake of forming a New South. Stephanie fondly remembers the family dinner table mantra “what are you going to do to change the world today?”
Stephanie’s political upbringing forged a desire to make a difference! At an early age she came to the assertion that positive world change and an end to violence occurs only when people first learn to settle their internal distress and seek peaceful solutions to their differences. Essentially, she discovered that, in order to advocate effectively in the world, one had to change their inner world first. Only after one was balanced, clear and positive internally could one effect similar changes in the outer world.
Lineage of Rare Mentors Produces Extraordinary Insights/Intuitions: Asking the question, “What are the avenues that allow someone to most quickly achieve internal clarity and peace?”, Stephanie chose to be trained and mentored in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Gestalt Therapy. During a 15 year period during which she was trained by two of the country’s most esteemed therapist’s, Stephanie met Richard Bandler, Father of Neuro-Linguistics, while in residence at the Gestalt Institute. So taken was she by Richard’s ability to make rapid, deep, and long-lasting changes in resistant clients, Stephanie decided to spend the next 8 years of her life studying with the top mind’s in the NLP field. She finished her studies in NLP as the student of Dr. Wyatt Woodsmall. Woodsmall is a recognized expert on Peak Performance Modeling. Stephanie was awarded Certification as a Certified Trainer of NLP. Today, she is one of just 139 internationally certified experts in this field. She additionally is Certified in Applied Control Theory, Drug and Alcohol Counseling, and is a trained Superior Court Mediator.
As a result of her many dedicated years, fine-tuned intuition, ease and clarity flow through her work. The complex becomes simple, and many powerful changes occur in a short amount of time. Since Stephanie understands that people are so unique, her techniques are as varied and deep as the people she is serving.
For those truly dedicated to change, teaming with Stephanie can create great change in a short time. Her work most often happens in a few sessions. Goals are precise, clear, and honor the highest outcomes of the individual. Stephanie believes that each of us has a special God-given contribution to make in the World, and sessions are often focused through these higher intentions.
Enhance Individual Performance with Better Communication and Social Capabilities
Enhance Organizational Performance through Better Intra and Inter Team Cooperation
Enhance Organizational Success by facilitating Breakthrough Thinking and Behaviors
As principal consultant of Expert Outcomes founded in 1987, based in the Chapel Hill/Durham area of North Carolina, provided over 8000 hours of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) services to individuals, businesses and governmental organizations. Recognized internationally as a highly effective trainer, coach and mentor committed to the ethical use of NLP assessment, modeling and coaching techniques to improve individual and organizational outcomes. Skilled in training teams and individuals in negotiation, diplomacy in conflict situations. Successful experience working with CEO's, physicians, attorney's, realtors, and entrepeneurs, working in their fields of expertise as well as managing others.
Management Training – Voted Contractor of the Year as consultant for Quintiles Leadership 100 series. Provided managers with expert training in diplomacy, negotiation, management and customer service. Quintiles is a contract research organization which serves the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare industries by providing services that support integrated product development from early development through late phase clinical trials.
Senior Executive Performance Coaching – Worked with distinguished executives and scientists including a Nobel nominee at National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and Tulane University. Currently offering One Day Executive ReFocus Intensive.
Negotiation/Communication Coaching/Training – In training for the NC Bar Associations and Mediation Inc., consistently recieved kudos for the "most important training recieved since Law School."
Social Skills / Inter Personal Behaviors Coaching – Success turning around the behavior of physicians deemed “disruptive” by their peers at the North Carolina Physicians Health Network. Included training, coaching and “interventions” on site at hospitals and medical practices across the state.
Vistage/TEC International, Americas, San Diego, CA; Canada, Calgary, AB (2001-present) Vistage/Tec International is the World’s Largest CEO Membership Organization
Developed performance, sales, negotiating, and assessment training programs for international organization of 10,000 CEO’s and senior managers in thirteen countries. Vistage/TEC groups meet once/month with four speakers/year.
Delivered over 140 workshops in the US and Canada to VISTAGE/TEC groups with consistent evaluation scores of 4.5 out of 5.
Past CEO attendees credit enhanced individual and organizational performance and success using strategies learned at the workshops and cite improved relationships with customers, employees, and colleague.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC (6 years)
Mentored scientific researchers in how to develop and deliver presentations for international audiences. One physician reported receiving “standing ovations” when presenting her breast cancer findings at peer conferences.
Significantly Improved hiring process success rate through development and implementation of values-based hiring model incorporating values and key subconscious decision strategies.
Performed assessments, crisis interventions, staff analyses with top scientists and their lab staffs
Quintiles, Inc, Research Triangle Park, NC (2 years)
Chosen as consultant for Leadership 100 Series, voted Contractor of the Year - provided training nationwide in diplomacy, negotiation, management, customer service. Quintiles is a contract research organization which serves the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare industries by providing services that support integrated product development from early development through late phase clinical trials.
North Carolina Physicians Health Program, Raleigh, NC (7 years)
Successfully turned around “disruptive” physicians; delivered interventions, hospital and staff negotiations, assessments, training in diplomacy skills for stressed physicians and their practices
Graedon Enterprises, Inc (The People's Pharmacy), Durham, NC (7 years)
Trained New York Times best selling authors of over 6 books in The People’s Pharmacy Series in presentation and negotiation skills. The Graedons reported increased success in appearances on National Public Radio, television as well as improved results when negotiating contracts.
The Center For Professional Well Being, Raleigh, NC
Center is a non-profit educational organization devoted to promoting well being among healthcare professionals, including students and their families, practice organizations and other professionals.
Provided intensive educational and well-being interventions through visits to groups and practices.
Consultant to American Association of Women Emergency Physicians
Consultant to Forsyth Medical Center Emergency Medicine Department, Thomasville, NC
Alabama State Department of Mental Health, Montgomery, AL
Wake County Personnel Department Office of Training, Raleigh, NC
Conferences and Seminars
Building the Field of Dreams – Americas, Canada, 2001-present
I – Creating Peak Performance, twelve states, four provinces
II – Negotiation Strategies, two states, two provinces
MecklenbErg County Bar Association
Learning Styles for Mediation, Charlotte, NC, June 2003 to November 2006 Wake County Bar Association
Learning Styles for Mediation, Cary, NC, March, 2002
Mediation, Inc. In-depth Mediation Skills, Winston-Salem, NC, April 2001 to April 2006
AWEP - American Association of Women Emergency Physicians
8th Annual Leadership Conference, Dallas, TX, April 1995
Algoma Medical Society, Annual Conference on Physician Well-Being
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, October 1995
Second Annual Conference on People Skills, North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC, May 1995
Seventh National Conference on Professional Well-Being, Dearborn, MI October 1994
VISTAGE/TEC International, Americas and Canada
QUINTILES INC, Research Triangle Park, NC
GRAEDON ENTERPRISES, “The People’s Pharmacy,” Durham, NC
North Carolina Board of Realtors, Raleigh, NC
Mecklenberg County Bar Association, Charlotte, NC
Wake County Bar Association, Cary, NC
Mediation, Inc, Chapel Hill, NC
Governmental Agencies / Non-Profit
American Women Emergency Physicians (AWEP), Houston, TX
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Research Triangle Park, NC
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC
Wake County Personnel Department, Raleigh, NC
North Carolina Association of Personnel Consultants, Southern Pines, NC
North Carolina Medical Society, Raleigh, NC
North Carolina Physicians Health Program (NCPHP), Raleigh, NC
NC Minority Business /Enterprise Coordinator’s Network, Wilmington, NC
English Board of Churches, United Kingdom
Clemson University College of Commerce and Industry, Clemson, SC
THE Center for BIO/Environmental Research, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
33 Graduate Hours in Speech and Language Pathology with core specialization in strokes, neurological illness and traumatic brain injury
BA, Psychology, 1999
200 hours clinical training and supervision in Gestalt Therapy at the graduate level, 1981
APPLIED CONTROL THEORY LEVEL 2 Certification, (Reality Therapy), 2003
One of only 139 individuals internationally certified by the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.Trained for 2000 hours with 8 leading experts nationally and internationally.
Board review and examination conducted before 50 trainers from 12 countries.
Mentored by Dr. Wyatt Woodsmall in Peak Performance modeling.
National Institute of Hypnosis, 1982
American Board of Hypnotherapy, 1990
